Merry CLIPPEDmas! – A Christmas Playlist
So this is Christmas, and what have you done? Probably heaps actually. You know, for a “holiday” this time of year can get real hectic. But, we’re past the days of losing your mind because you left it to the last minute to buy presents. We’ve successfully freaked out about the shops being closed for two days and bought every grocery in sight. Now the day is here and all there is to do is relax and enjoy ourselves… Right?
As much as it is anything, Christmas is a great excuse for a list. So in lieu of us here at CLIPPED actually having to do any real work, we present our gift to you: MERRY CLIPPEDMAS! A playlist of Christmas classic music videos that is all at once fun and joyous and cringey and terrible – The universal Christmas Day experience. So whether you’re relaxing alone, hanging with mates or barely coping with racist nans and drunk uncles, we hope this playlist will help get you through the day.